It’s high time I explained myself. Here’s why I do it.
To Keep Family in the Know
I initially started the blog in order to keep our family informed while we were away. That’s a big reason why I don’t feel the need to make each and every post riveting. I can feel at ease about posting the latest on the kid’s loose tooth or skint knee, knowing that you, my dear readers, can tune out at anytime. And no offense is taken! Maybe my sister will laugh at something funny Charley said and feel a tighter connection because of it. Maybe while we were in Alaska, my brother-in-law got a glimpse into his brother’s life whom he hadn’t seen in over a year. Those things alone make writing worthwhile.
For the Record
The blog quickly evolved into a way of keeping up with our family history. I hope that one day I can get it all printed out and bound. I want Charley to remember our time together during these years. I only wish I had been keeping up all along. I love going back and looking through our family history. I especially love looking back when I am feeling a little bit down. On the days when I feel like I’ve done everything wrong and I’ve been a terrible mother, I can look back and remember that I’m not so bad after all.
To Inform
I started reading blogs when I was planning our move to Delta Junction, Alaska. I was hungry for information that would help me have a better understanding of the foreign land I was going to be living in. I loved getting a glimpse of life in Alaska through the blogs of people who lived there. I hope that anyone that stumbles on my blog in their search for details about a particular place, can find real information and photographs about what to expect when they get there.
To Be Heard
As a southerner, I was brought up to be a lady. Part of being a lady, is not drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. Recently, I've been questioning that way of thinking. Why shouldn't I want attention? Not to say I want to I am going to be dancing on any tabletops anytime soon or speaking in any public forums, but hey if you want to know what I am doing, you want to look my way? Go ahead.
I am the baby in the family. The baby’s opinions aren’t often respected until the baby turns 52, or 53, or something. Somebody always knows more, somebody has always already done it. On my blog, I don’t have to compete to get a word in. I want to talk about me, me, me, talk about I, talk about number 1, oh my, me my. (It's a country song.) Selfish, I know. But I’ve gained confidence by airing my ideas and beliefs. Just to be able to get things out in the open, even if not a soul on earth agrees, is liberating! And here’s the thing. I’m not actually selfish. I want to hear from you too! That’s why I read your blogs. That’s why in real life, I try to keep up when you tell me what your plans are.
As an Excuse to Shoot Hundreds and Thousands of Photographs
I was going to do it anyway. At least now I have a place to put some of them.
For Brain Exercise
I realize I don’t always use proper English or use correct punctuation, but the act of putting my thoughts together takes a lot of time and consideration. I tend to read through a post a bazillion times, editing, RE-editing. Analyzing. It is good for the mind.
For Affirmation and Encouragement
Everybody needs affirmation and encouragement. If you aren’t getting it in some form, you. will. not. flourish. You see, I am a stay at home mom. I don’t hang out at the water cooler during break time with co-workers (who does that anyway?) . My adult social interaction comes in the form of a man named Chuck. I talk to Mom and Sunny on a regular basis on the phone and that's about as deep as I get lately. I said all that to say, I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS! There is no shame in it. I used to wonder why I clung to them so. I used to wonder why I cared and what might be wrong with me because I did. But now I know. Your comments, your compliments, feed my creative spirit. Your comments feed the nurturer in me. If you think I am spending good quality time with my daughter, it makes me want to do it more often! If you think I made something pretty, then it makes me want to do it again! And when I do it again, I feel good about myself! It is natural to want feedback from others. Why be ashamed to say it aloud? Now, having said that, please DO NOT feel the need to leave me more comments. I want readers to do what they feel comfortable doing. I LOVE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE TUNING AT ALL! A very wise man (it was Chuck) recently reminded me that readership is something to be proud of. Just to have people reading your stuff…..well, to a writer, that’s huge!
So, thanks for reading. Thanks for following! Thanks for commenting! You are MUCH appreciated.
Love the pics you put with your Why I blog. Love that you are so transparent and authentic. Your kids are very very fortunate to have you..........and Chuck.
ReplyDeleteAw thanks Mom. I had forgotten all about this. It was nice to read it again and see sweet lil Charley throughout. All those things are still true. I need to get back to those ideas and start writing again.